From Create i do

Welcome to my creating adventures.  The name Create i do was an easy evolution because, well I do create. This space is not meant to be a place for comparing my work or your works with anyone else’s but to inspire new adventures. When I find objects that interest me, I can not stop my brain from figuring out ways to create my own version.

I love to explore different techniques using things I find in nature or human-made items. Not all the projects I try are successful, but I never regret trying them. It is fun to discover what my pieces will become. Right now most of my work is with clay but you can still find me sewing, working with yarn or even felting. Let yourself be inspired and give it a try , I think you will be surprised how soon you start to see objects differently - you start to not just what the objects are, but what they can become.  Everything has potential to be something different than what it is right now, even us.

The galleries will give you a glimpse in to some of the things that inspire me. The shop page has some current inventory but do no be afraid to contact me regarding a commission piece. they take about 4 weeks to complete

I’d love hearing about which items spark your interest.

I hope these pages will inspire you to try new things and share your creative experiences
